Bowman Medical International Inc. has dedicated our team with developing the new PREMIER Series X-FINGERs and DEX-Thumbs artificial fingers that can be purchased directly from us. Dan Didrick, inventor of original X-Finger and first body-powered artificial finger was commissioned by us to develop a new version of X-Finger that is easier to fit and stronger than prior models.
PREMIER Series X-FINGERs are the first series of X-Fingers that were designed for strength as its top priority and ease of switching out or replacing parts that buckle under your demands. While developing this device, a new concept was envisioned and integrated into the design. The result is an easy to fit, extremely strong device that enables longer than usual residual fingers to be comfortably seated within the sockets. The device not only accepts longer residual fingers, the distal and middle phalanges line up with the other fingers better than any other device seen before.
If you are new to body-powered prosthetic fingers, or have tried some from the past, you will appreciate the sophisticated simplicity of this new design that comes in multiple sizes. No more major adjustments needed. If a device doesn’t fit, let us know if it is too long, too short, too narrow, or too wide and we will send the appropriate replacement size.